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Your Djarrawunang (Ashfield) Ward Candidates

About the Team

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Jess D’Arienzo - I am Running for re-election to represent residents of the Ashfield-Djarrawunang ward in the Inner West Council Local Government Area is a decision deeply rooted in my commitment to serving my community and it gives voice to my values of social justice, equality, and inclusion. 

I was elected to the Inner West Council at the December 2021 election from the second spot on the ticket with long standing Councillor, Mark Drury. It was a privilege to serve as the Deputy Mayor from December 2021 until September 2022 and it was an ideal opportunity to witness the incredible diversity of Council services and understand our opportunities and challenges. 

During this term our team has developed a strong and united caucus with a deep sense of solidarity. I’ve led team discussions in the community consultation, strategic planning and LGBTQIA+ areas and have served as an active member on the Major Projects Committee and the Cooks River Alliance. 

Labor has governed with discipline and focus. At the first opportunity we sought to incorporate our campaign priorities into the Council’s Community Strategic Plan, resulting in key election promises being delivered during our term. 

For my part, I have focused on strategic planning and improving community consultation with Council and introduced the Local Matters Forums, held once a month, these community meetings rotate through the LGA where residents can ask questions and hear reports directly from Council’s General Manager, executive team and ward Councillors. 

In my role as Chair of the Pride Inner West Committee, I worked with the Council staff, advisory committee, community organisations and community members to ensure we offered a vibrant celebration of our local LGBTQ+ community alongside Sydney World Pride. 

We launched Pride Square, the heart of Pride Inner West, with the Prime Minister on 11 February 2024 to bring the community together and celebrate. Our programs were either free and low-cost events for all. Pride Inner West illuminated our sporting fields, community centres, aquatic centres, libraries, art spaces and public domain across three weeks. 

It is this firsthand experience coupled with a desire to make a positive difference that propels me to seek candidacy to continue the good work of the Labor team on the Inner West Council. 

I share the Labor values of fairness, equity, and inclusion and I am committed to working with the community, the elected representatives and the staff to support policies that invest in services and infrastructure, and promote social justice. 

Having been actively involved in community grassroots campaigns through the union movement and community campaigning, I have developed an understanding of the needs and concerns of our residents. As a councillor, I will continue to draw upon these experiences to introduce initiatives and policies that reflect the aspirations and priorities of our diverse community. 



Elayn James - I have had a keen interest in fairness, equity, and social justice since high school; and since my mid-twenties, urban development, social harmony, individual happiness, and politics at all levels. My values have been firmly shaped around contribution to my community and care for others. 


I am wired to be a helper and giver, and through my professional and personal life believe I have developed skills and insights that will be of significant value to the local community, as part of a healthy and diverse mix of representatives. More specifically, my people skills, empathy, creative and analytical mind, strategy development, facilitation, ability to navigate complex dynamics and personalities; and drive to have a positive and measurable impact, amongst others. 


I’ve had many years’ experience advising businesses at CEO, Executive and Senior Manager level, in strategy, multi-media, marketing and digitisation, and have worked with a long list of major Australian brands. I love finding creative, human-centred solutions to human and business challenges, and helping to explore new ways of thinking.


I am passionate about Local Government and local issues as they are so fundamental to the experiences of people in their everyday lives. A former TV and radio journalist, I cut my teeth in local news, which remains a keen interest. Since purchasing my first home in Summer Hill in 2003, I have been heavily involved with the strata committee for my building, become better educated about the complexities of higher density living and local and State government. As a long-term renter, and property owner, I have a fairly unique perspective on the housing affordability crisis and it’s impacts across the community. 


I am interested in the many practical and social impacts resulting from the increasing urban densities in our suburbs, such as pressures on our parks, pedestrian safety, playgrounds, public transport, traffic and car parking. I am optimistic we can cultivate a built environment that works more harmoniously for us all, including those who require special access, and the critters that co-exist with us in the natural world. As a sole parent, I am a passionate advocate for the improved participation of women and is a champion for diversity and inclusion, affordable healthcare and education access. In my spare time, I get a buzz from suggesting locations for new tree plantings via the Inner West Council portal!

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Authorised by Mark Drury, 69 Heighway Ave, Croydon, NSW, 2132

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